How do I become a member?
Follow the link on the home page, watch the video and answer the questions required. Your application will be reviewed by the committee. You will be contacted, or if you are visiting the club, you'll be able to find out from the staff if your application was successful. You'll have to complete the last registration steps while in the club.
How Much is membership?
Initial membership when signing up is R60 for the first 6 months. Thereafter R100 for the next 6 months. Contact us for information on becoming a cultivating or processing member
What do I get for my membership?
A vote at the AGM, the opportunity to stand for the committee, access to the club and to the consumption area (only over 18s) at Die BoomHuis as well as the option to visit other Grow One Africa sister clubs. Please note that certain clubs have a day visitor’s fee. We at die BoomHuis however do not.
Reimbursements collected at the sharing station goes towards the lease, salary, administration and contracts facilitation costs associated with your cannabis.
Grow one Africa (GOA) is a service provider that provides the grow club model to associated clubs, facilitates the agreements between clubs and members and offers services and systems to ensure full traceability and tax compliance